Scones are one of those recipes that every home cook worth their salt should learn how to make. It’s a great one when cooking with kids as well as it is very hands-on – they’ll love kneading the dough, rubbing in the butter and whipping the cream. Plus the end results isn’t packed with too much sugar.
While there are hundreds of variations on the theme, our traditional scones recipe doesn’t require any fancy techniques, lemonade or other unusual additions, but it’s a classic anyone’s nanna will be proud of.
To prepare these scones for the ultimate Devonshire tea, you’ll want to take care when rubbing in your butter. Make sure you dig through the flour as go and keep an eye out for any rogue chunks – you want the whole mixture to resemble fine breadcrumbs for the best results.
The milk and egg yolk wash at the end is what gives it a slight sheen and the lovely golden texture, so don’t forget that step if you want to impress.