The decadent raspberry ice cream filling in this cake makes it a magical dessert guaranteed to steal the show. Perfect as a beautiful centerpiece on Christmas day.
Function: Circo Therm®
The decadent raspberry ice cream filling in this cake makes it a magical dessert guaranteed to steal the show. Perfect as a beautiful centerpiece on Christmas day.
Function: Circo Therm®
200g butter, chopped
250g white chocolate, chopped
1 cup milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 ¼ cup caster sugar
2 eggs, lightly beaten
2 egg yolks, lightly beaten
2 ¼ cups plain flour
2 tsps baking powder
250g fresh raspberries
2 tbsps caster sugar
1 litre of good quality vanilla ice cream, softened
4 egg whites
1 cup caster sugar
1 tbsp glucose syrup
2 tbsp water
To make the white chocolate cake mixture, place the butter, chocolate and milk into a large saucepan and cook on Induction level 1, stirring occasionally until chocolate and butter have melted. Add the vanilla and mix well until ingredients are blended together. Transfer the mixture to a large mixing bowl and cool slightly.
Preheat the oven on CircoTherm® to 160˚c and place the wire rack on shelf 2. Grease and line 2 shallow 20cm round cake pans. Stir the sugar into the chocolate mixture, then add the eggs and egg yolks and mix well. Sift the flour and the baking powder over the mixture and mix to form a smooth batter. Spoon the mixture evenly into the prepared cake pans and bake for 40 minutes or until cooked when tested with a skewer.
Place the raspberries and sugar in a small saucepan. Mix to combine then cook over a low heat, Induction level 3, stirring occasionally until sugar dissolves. Increase the heat to Induction level 5 and simmer for 6 to 8 minutes or until reduced and slightly thickened. Allow to cool to room temperature.
Place the ice cream & raspberry mix into a large bowl and mix to combine. Spoon the mixture into a 20cm shallow cake pan that has been lined with plastic wrap. Cover the surface of the ice cream with plastic wrap and freeze until firm.
Place all the ingredients for the frosting into a medium heatproof glass bowl. Place some water into a medium size saucepan and place over a medium heat, Induction level 5. Place the bowl over the saucepan, making sure the base of the bowl is not touching the water.
Using electric beaters beat the egg white mix until thick and glossy and doubled in volume. Remove the bowl from the heat and continue to beat a further 4 to 5 minutes or until cooled. Use immediately.
To assemble the cake, sandwich the ice cream between the two cake layers. Spread the meringue frosting on the top and sides of the cake.
Using a blow torch, gently caramelise the meringue frosting. Alternatively the cake can be decorated with toasted shredded coconut.