Function: Circo Therm®
1.5kg eye fillet
2 tbsp seeded mustard
2 x 10 cm sprig of rosemary roughly cut
Salt and pepper to taste
1kg chat potatoes
1 tbsp seeded mustard
Salt and pepper to taste
500 ml beef stock
1 tbsp cornflour
1 tbsp seeded mustard
1 tsp garlic
¼ bunch thyme
Salt and pepper to taste
Truss the beef then on a high heat sear then coat it in the mustard and rosemary.
Heat the oven to 200˚ on Circotherm.
Coat the potatoes with the seeded mustard salt and pepper then put on a universal tray with a sheet of baking paper and place on level 2 of the oven. Place the eye fillet on a wire rack on level 3 of the oven. Insert a meat probe into the fattest part of the meat and set to 55˚ (med rare) about 30 minutes. Once the meat is done remove from the oven and set aside to rest. Change the heat to Circoroast and continue to cook the potatoes for a further 15 minutes.
For the jus place all the ingredients together in a medium to large pot and bring to the boil while consistently stirring, then drop back to a simmer for a further 10 minutes.
Slice the rested roast beef and serve with potatoes and jus.