The triumphant centrepiece of any Christmas feast, a perfectly-cooked roast turkey will linger long in your family’s memory. The secret to an unforgettable Christmas turkey? Tender and succulent flesh and crisp golden skin. And let’s not forget a fragrant herb-studded stuffing and drizzle of rich turkey jus!
With a little preparation, NEFF’s VarioSteam® function and our Multipoint Meat Probe, you’ll be serving a winning Christmas turkey in no time.
Tips for roast turkey success:
If you’re using a frozen turkey, ensure it’s fully defrosted first.
When separating the turkey skin from the flesh with your fingers, be extra gentle – you don’t want to risk tearing the skin.
Insert the Multipoint Meat Probe deep into the breast (entering from the shoulder) to ensure an accurate internal temperature reading. The Meat Probe will automatically switch off your oven once the turkey’s core temperature reaches 75 degrees.
Resting the cooked turkey for a minimum of 30 minutes (preferably an hour) will result in moist and tender flesh.
If cooking stuffing separately, don’t forget to refrigerate the prepared log overnight – that way it will keep its shape when sliced.
Follow these tips and your turkey will be golden and cooked to perfection. Pass the Christmas crackers, would you?
Function: Added Steam, Circo Therm®, Multipoint MeatProbe