Search Results for 'Steam'

Christmas Pudding

[embed][/embed] Place all the fruit in a medium bowl with the boiling water, bi-carb and brandy. Cover and let stand overnight. In a large bowl of an electric mixer, add the butter and sugar, and beat until light in colour. Add the eggs one at a time and then the orange rind. With a large metal spoon, mix in the flours and spices and the fruit mixture. Stir until well combined. There are three ways to cook the puddings. To make individual puddings, grease 12 (1 cup) muffin pans and line the base with a small circle of baking paper. Spoon pudding mixture evenly into pans. Top puddings with a sheet of baking paper and then loosely crimp a sheet of aluminium foil over the muffin tray. Place puddings in oven, select Steam at 100 ⁰C and set cooking time to 45 minutes. To cook the pudding in a pudding basin, grease an 8 cup pudding basin and line base with a circle of baking paper. Spoon in the pudding mixture and smooth top. Place a sheet of baking paper over the top of pudding basin and secure with a locking lid. If a lid is not available, cover with a piece of baking paper that has been pleated to allow for expansion and then a piece of aluminium foil. Secure with string. Place pudding in oven, select Steam at 100 ⁰C and set cooking time for 3 hours. Fill water tank as requested. To cook the pudding in a cloth, wet an 80 cm square piece of calico, place in oven, select Steam at 100⁰C and set cooking time for 3 minutes. Wearing rubber gloves, remove calico from oven, lay out on a flat surface and rub the extra plain flour in a thin layer to cover a 50 cm circle. Spoon pudding mixture onto the circle of calico, gather up the ends and secure with string. Leave enough string to hang the pudding. Place the wire rack on the highest shelf position in the oven. Securely tie the pudding to hang from the circle of the wire. Select Steam at 100⁰C and set cooking time for 3 hours. Fill water tank as requested. When cooked, allow the pudding to hang to cool and dry completely.

Roast Turkey

To begin making your Roast turkey, remove the wish bone of the turkey then separate the skin from the flesh by running your fingers in between them both. Clean cavity and pat dry with paper towel. Mix the garlic, thyme, zest and oil together and place between the skin and flesh of the turkey. Fill cavity with stuffing. Truss the turkey following the NEFF demonstration video. Place on a wire rack, on top of the universal tray lined with baking paper. Insert the MultiPoint MeatProbe fully in to the breast, entering in from the shoulder. Place trays in the oven on level 2 of a full size oven or level 1 of a compact appliance. Select CircoTherm® at 160⁰C and a high level of steam. Connect the MultiPoint MeatProbe, set your core temperature to 75⁰C and press Start. Remove turkey from the oven, remove probe and allow oven to cool. Select Keep Warm function at 60⁰C with a high level of steam. Rest the turkey for 30 minutes to 1 hour before serving. Turkey Stuffing Preheat oven on CircoTherm® at 160⁰C. Place almonds on the universal tray and cook for 5-10 minutes or until lightly toasted. Place almonds with remaining ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix until well combined. Use to stuff turkey before trussing. If cooking stuffing separately, shape into a log, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight. To cook stuffing, remove plastic wrap and place on universal tray lined with baking paper. Preheat oven on CircoTherm® to 160⁰ with a high level of steam and cook for 30-40 minutes. Serve sliced. Turkey Jus Place the chicken stock, beef stock and red wine in a medium to large saucepan. Place on Induction level 8 or FlameSelect® level 9 and bring to the boil. Add the garlic, thyme, honey and mustard then simmer on level 5-6 and reduce by half. Mix the cornflour and water together and whisk into the jus, simmer for a further 10 minutes and then strain through a fine sieve. If you have pan juices from your roast turkey add them just before the cornflour mix. Notes If using a frozen turkey, please ensure that it has been fully defrosted. Using VarioSteam® and the MultiPoint MeatProbe makes this recipe foolproof. While the added steam ensures that your turkey remains moist and flavourful, the meat probe monitors the internal temperature of your meat, automatically switching off your oven once it's been cooked to perfection.

Spinach and ricotta cannelloni

To make the tomato sauce, heat the olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and cook for 3 minutes. Add the passata, salt, sugar and black pepper to taste. Cook for 10 minutes or until sauce has thickened. To make the filling, heat the olive oil in a large frypan. Add the onion and garlic and cook for 3 minutes. Add the spinach and cook for 2 minutes to remove excess moisture. Remove from heat and spoon on to a large plate to cool. In a large bowl, combine the basil, ricotta, eggs, parmesan, nutmeg, salt and pepper. Add the cooled spinach mixture and stir to combine. Preheat oven on CircoTherm® to 180⁰C with a medium level of steam. Using a large plain nozzle piping bag or spoon, fill the cannelloni shells. Pour 1/3 of the tomato sauce into a large greased baking dish then lay the filled cannelloni on top. Pour remaining tomato sauce over the cannelloni. Top with mozzarella cheese and bake for 25-30 minutes or until golden.

Banana Bread with Raspberries and Chocolate Chips

Preheat oven on CircoTherm® to 160⁰C and if available select a low level of steam. Grease and line a 28 cm x 12 cm loaf pan. In a bowl of an electric mixer, place the butter, sugar and vanilla and beat until pale and fluffy. Add the egg in 3 batches and beat well. Stir in the mashed banana. Sift together the flours, baking powder, bicarb and salt. Fold in the flour and milk alternatively. Set aside approximately 20 chips and 8 berries. Add the other raspberries and chocolate chips and gently combine. Spoon mixture into the prepared loaf pan. Add left over chocolate chips and raspberries to the top of mixture. Bake for 1 hour and 10 minutes or until cooked when tested with a skewer. Allow to cool in the loaf pan for 15 minutes before turning out on to a wire rack. Slice banana bread when cool.

Brined Pork Loin Roast

In a large sealable container, add the boiling water, salt, honey, thyme and garlic. Stir until the salt and honey are dissolved.  Add the ice water and stir until the ice melts. Remove the string if the pork loin roast is tied. Then remove the skin and set aside. Add the pork, laying it flat in the brine and ensure the brine covers the meat. Soak the pork for 24-36 hours in the refrigerator. The longer you soak the pork the stronger the flavours will be. Preheat the oven on CircoTherm® to 160⁰C with a high level of steam.  Place the pork on a wire rack with the universal tray underneath lined with baking paper. Pat dry and rub with the olive oil and salt. Roll the pork and tie with string at 5 cm intervals. Place the pork on shelf level 2 and cook for 60 minutes. After 30 minutes place the crackling on a separate baking tray on level 3 and liberally coat with salt and olive oil. If VarioSteam® is not available add water to the universal enamel tray while cooking. After the hour of cooking turn oven function to CircoRoast® at 180⁰C with no added steam and cook for a further 20 minutes. Allow pork to rest at least 15 minutes before carving.

Sticky date puddings

Grease 10 (1/2 cup) non-stick muffin pans or ramekins and line the bases with a small circle of baking paper. Place the dates, bicarbonate of soda and water in a bowl and let stand for 15 minutes. In a bowl of an electric mixer place the butter and sugar and beat until pale and creamy. Add the eggs one at a time, add the vanilla. Beat until smooth. Preheat oven on FullSteam 100⁰C. Fold in the flour, salt and date mixture. Spoon the mixture evenly into prepared muffin pans or ramekins. Cook puddings for 18 minutes, there is no need to cover. While puddings are cooking, make the caramel sauce. Place all of the ingredients in a saucepan. Stir over medium heat or Induction level 6 to dissolve sugar and melt the butter. Cook for 3-5 minutes or until thickened. Turn puddings out on to individual serving plates and drizzle over the caramel sauce. Serve with whipped cream or ice-cream.

Sticky Pork Ribs

Place onion, garlic, chilli flakes, paprika, fennel seeds, star anise and brown sugar in a bowl of a food processor and process until smooth. Heat a saucepan over medium heat, add the olive oil and onion paste and cook for 2 minutes. Add the tomato ketchup, vinegar and soy sauce and cook for 5 minutes or until the sauce thickens. Line enamel tray with baking paper. Place ribs on tray and brush the ribs with all of the sauce. Place ribs in the oven and lay a piece of baking paper loosely on top. Turn oven on to CircoTherm® at 140⁰C with a high level of steam. Cook for 1 ¾ to 2 hours, turning once. The time will depend on when the ribs are tender. When the ribs are tender, increase CircoTherm® to 180⁰C with no added steam and remove baking paper. Cook for up to 30 minutes or until ribs are golden and sticky. Remove the ribs from the oven and allow to cool for 5 minutes. Cut ribs using the rib bones as a guide.

Crusty Homemade Bread

Place all of the ingredients in a bowl of an electric mixer with a dough hook attachment. Knead dough on medium speed for 10 minutes. Remove from the mixer and knead for 1-2 minutes until the dough feels springy to touch. Add extra flour on the workbench if the dough is sticking. Place the dough in a medium sized bowl sprayed with oil spray. Place the dough in the oven and select Dough Prove level 1 for 45 minutes or until dough doubles in size (focus more on the size than the time). Remove the dough from the oven and place the dough onto a workbench and knead to knock the air out, shape the dough to your desired shape and with a sharp knife cut slits diagonally across the top. Line the enamel universal tray with baking paper and place the dough on top. Place it in the oven on shelf level 3. Select Dough Prove level 1 and prove for a further 30 minutes. After proving do not remove the dough from the oven, select the Bread Baking function at 220⁰C with a high level of added steam and bake for 30 minutes. When cooked, remove the bread from the oven and place on a cooling rack for 20 minutes before cutting.

Roast Pumpkin Risotto

Peel and deseed the pumpkin. Cut 200 g into 2cm cubes and grate the remaining 100 g, set aside grated pumpkin. Place the cubed pumpkin into a medium mixing bowl with half of the thyme, honey, olive oil, salt and pepper and mix until well combined. Line the universal enamel tray with baking paper and top with pumpkin. Place tray in the oven on shelf level 3. Turn oven on to CircoRoast at 180⁰C and cook pumpkin for 30 minutes. Put the rice, grated pumpkin, onion, garlic water or stock and remaining thyme in the small non-perforated stainless steel tray. Place the tray in oven and select Full Steam 100⁰C. Cook risotto for 25 minutes. Remove the risotto from the oven then add the parmesan, butter and roasted pumpkin. Stir until all ingredients are combined, check for seasoning and serve.