Search Results for 'Steam'

Fruit Preserve Danishes

Grate your butter into a large mixing bowl being careful not to crush it. Put it in the freezer for at least 10 minutes. Make the starter by combining the milk, yeast and sugar together in a small bowl and allow to bloom. Dough Add the flour, sugar and salt to the grated butter and mix together with your fingertips. Try not to work in the butter too much as we want some chunks of butter through the dough. If the butter is starting to melt place the bowl into the fridge or freezer for 5 minutes. To the mixture add in the egg and milk and mix by hand until just combined, cover with plastic wrap and place back into the fridge to rest overnight. Custard To make the custard, in a small saucepan add half of the milk, vanilla essence and sugar, place over a low-medium heat, induction level 4. Place the remaining milk in a small bowl, mix together with the egg and cornflour and whisk until smooth. Once the milk is hot add in the cornflour slurry and whisk until the mixture becomes very thick. Transfer into a small bowl, cover with plastic wrap and leave it in the fridge for later. The next day remove your dough from the fridge and on a lightly floured benchtop shape the dough into a rough rectangle about 30cm x 45cm using a rolling pin with a height no greater than 10mm. Then fold the dough like a letter in thirds. Repeat this process another 3-4 times, as this will give us our layering. Cover the dough in plastic wrap after the final fold and allow it to rest at least an hour in the fridge. Give your dough the final roll on a lightly floured bench and shape it into a 30cm x 40cm rectangle. It is better to over roll the dough than under as you will need to cut the edges regardless. Using a ruler mark out a grid of 3 x 4 squares into your dough. Preheat your oven on CircoTherm to 190°C with the Steam Jet turned on. Shape your Danishes by folding the edges into the centre of the squares and pressing firmly into the centre. Using a tablespoon, make an indentation for your custard and fruit preserve. Transfer the Danishes onto two oven trays lined with baking paper, then fill the indentation with custard followed by the fruit preserve and lastly a berry of your choice. Combine the beaten egg and water together in a small bowl to make an egg wash. Brush the Danishes with the egg wash. Activate the Steam Jet function by pressing the steam symbol and place the two trays of Danishes on shelf levels 3 and 1. Cook for 15 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from the oven and transfer onto cooling racks. Once cool drizzle with the sugar glaze by combining the icing sugar and water together in a small bowl. Serve on a large platter.

Classic Baguette

Mix all the ingredients for the poolish together in a small bowl, cover with plastic wrap and leave to prove overnight or ideally for 24 , on the kitchen bench. For the dough, mix together (either by hand or stand mixer) all of the ingredients together including the poolish that was made beforehand. This should take around 5 minutes on a stand mixer on a low speeds. The end result should leave a dough that is firm but slightly tacky. Transfer the dough into a greased mixing bowl, cover with a tea towel and place into your on Dough proving function at 30°C for 30 minutes. Once the time has elapse turn the dough over in the bowl and prove for a further 30 minutes. Remove the dough from the bowl, then turn out onto a lightly oiled bench and divide the dough into 3 equal sized pieces. Roll each piece of dough into a ball and then cover with greased plastic wrap and allow to rest for at least 15 minutes at room temperature. Flatten the dough pieces out and fold nearly in half, sealing the edges of the fold using the heel of your hand. Turn the dough around 180° and repeat this process, the dough should now be elongated. With the seam side of the dough down, cup your fingers over the dough and gently roll the dough into 40cm long logs. Taper the ends of the logs to give it that classic baguette look. Place the baguettes onto the universal pan lined with baking paper and sprinkle lightly with flour, cover loosely with plastic wrap and allow to prove at room temperature for 40 minutes or until they are slightly ‘puffy’. Preheat your oven on Bread Baking at 200°C and select the Steam Jet function to on. While the oven heats up score your baguettes using a very sharp knife to create 45 degree slits along each baguette, making 4 or 5 slits on each baguette. Just before placing the baguettes into the oven on shelf level 2, activate the Steam Jet function by pressing the steam symbol. Then cook the baguettes for 23-28 minutes or until they are a very deep golden brown. Allow the baguettes to cool in the oven while leaving the oven door ajar.

Buttered Soft Pretzel

Combine all the dough ingredients into a stand mixer bowl and with a hook attachment, mix on a low speed until the dough is tight and smooth, roughly 10 minutes. Place the dough into a greased mixing bowl, cover with a tea towel and place into the . Select the Dough proving function and set the temperature to 35°C for 30 minutes. Make the Bi-Carb bath by combining the boiling water and bicarbonate of soda together in a small bowl and set aside for later, please note the bicarbonate may not fully dissolve. Transfer the dough to a lightly greased work surface, and divide it into eight equal pieces. Allow the pieces to rest, uncovered, for 5 minutes. Pour the bi-carb bath into a 22cm square pan or equivalent. Roll each piece of dough into a long, thin rope roughly 80cm long, and twist each rope into a pretzel shape. Working with half of the pretzels at a time, place them in the pan with the bi-carb water, spooning the water over the top of each pretzel, then leave them in the water for at least 2 minutes before placing them on 2 oven trays lined with baking paper. This bi-carb bath will give the pretzels a lovely golden-brown colour when baking in the oven. Sprinkle pretzels lightly with sea salt flakes. Allow them to rest, uncovered, for 10 minutes. Preheat the oven on Bread Baking function to220°C and turn on the Steam Jet function. Before placing the pretzels in the oven on shelf level 1 and 3, activate the Steam Jet function by pressing the steam symbol and then bake the pretzels for 8 minutes or until golden brown. Remove the pretzels from the oven, and brush them thoroughly with the melted butter. Repeat this process until all of the butter has been completely used. Serve while still warm.

Blue Berry and White Chocolate Scones

In a large mixing bowl add the SR flour, baking powder and butter. Work the butter into the flour with fingertips until it resembles bread crumbs. In the same bowl add the salt, sugar, buttermilk and vanilla essence and using a spatula or butter knife, cut the flour mixture into the milk mixture until just combined. Then add in the white chocolate and blueberries and combine. When adding in the blueberries try to squish half of them, as this will add more flavour into the flour mixture. Preheat your oven on CircoTherm to 200°C and activate the Steam Jet function to on. On a flour dusted bench or large chopping board turn out your mixture. It will be quite wet so to make it easier to work with dust the top with more flour. Shape the scone mixture into a rough square approximately 4cm high, then with a floured knife cut the scones in a 4x4 square grid. Transfer the scones onto the universal pan lined with baking paper and brush with egg wash. Just before placing the scones into the oven on shelf level 2, activate the Steam Jet function by pressing the steam symbol. Cook for 10 minutes or until golden on top. Remove from oven to cool a cooling rack and serve immediately.

Broccoli and Anchovy Pasta

Remove the stalk from the broccoli trim and finely slice into julienne strips. Cut the broccoli into small florets and set aside. Halve and deseed the red chilli then finely slice. Lastly roughly chop the anchovies. In a unperforated steam container combine together the orecchiette pasta and vegetable stock. Add in the chilli, broccoli stem, garlic and anchovy. Slightly mix this so the pasta won’t stick together. Place in your steam oven and heat to 100°C Steam with a cooking time of 20 minutes. In a perforated tray scatter your broccoli and place into the steam oven after the pasta has been cooking for 14 minutes. After 20 minutes check the pasta to see if it is al dente. If not, cook for an additional 3-5 minutes. Remove the tray from the oven and while still hot, add in the cubed butter and gruyere cheese then mixed until melted through the pasta. Serve in individual bowls or family style in a large bowl with sides.

Nicoise Salad with Grilled Tuna

Place the potatoes in the large perforated tray and place on shelf position 2 or 3. Select steam 100°C and keep the cooking time set to 20 minutes. When the oven has reached the preheated temperature, add the eggs and set the timer for 10 minutes. Remove the eggs, then add the beans and set the timer for 4 minutes. Place the eggs into a bowl of iced water to cool. Remove the beans and continue cooking the potatoes until the original cooking time is complete. Set aside with the potatoes and beans. Place all the ingredients for the dressing into a jar and shake well to combine. Wipe any excess moisture from the oven, then preheat on CircoRoasting to 220°C. Line the universal tray with baking paper and place the tuna onto the tray. Rub the tuna with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Cook on shelf position 4 for 12 minutes. While the tuna is cooking, arrange the salad leaves on a serving plate. Peel and halve the eggs and arrange over the leaves with the potatoes, beans, olives cucumber and tomatoes. When the tuna has cooled slightly, break into flakes and place onto the salad and top with red onion. Pour the dressing over the salad and serve.

Lentil Meatballs

Wash the lentils in cold water, drain in a sieve. Place the lentils, cloves, bay leaf and water in a small unperforated steamer container and cook on shelf level 2 for 10 minutes at 100 °C Steam setting. Remove the cloves and bay leaf. Peel and finely dice the onion and garlic. Peel, core and finely dice the apple. Chop the apple chips and walnuts. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Season with salt and pepper and leave to stand for about 10-15 minutes. Using an ice cream scoop, divide the mixture into 10 portions and form patties with wet hands. Place on a plate. If the mixture is too soft or sticky, freeze the patties briefly. Fry the meatballs in hot sunflower oil on the Teppan Yaki on the induction cooktop on level 6 for about 3 minutes per side. Peel the cucumber, grate it finely, and sprinkle with a little salt. After 10 minutes, squeeze the grated cucumber and add it to the yogurt. Sprinkle the cucumber yogurt with chopped fresh chives and serve with the meatballs.

Rustic Baguette

1. Dissolve the yeast in warm water and add to the other ingredients in a bowl and process to a homogeneous dough using the dough hook of a food processor. Let it rise in a warm place for 10 minutes. 2. Knead the dough again with your hands and let it rest in a covered bowl in the fridge for at least 20 hours. 3. Preheat the oven with the baking stone on shelf position 1 to 250°C for at least 20 minutes on top and bottom heating function. 4. Carefully turn the dough out onto a floured work surface and cut it in half. Flour the surface well and carefully stretch out the dough and knead and shape into baguettes. 5. Two minutes before cooking the baguettes in the oven, turn on VarioSteam medium level. Use the floured wooden paddle to place the baguettes on the stone. Reduce heat to 220°C, and cook for 25-30 minutes.

Sourdough bread

Starter preparation: Day 1 Mix 20g of organic whole wheat flour with 20 g of room temperature filtered water, transfer the paste into a clean jar, with lid, and do not seal totally. Leave on the bench overnight. Day 2 Mix 40g of organic whole wheat flour with 40g of room temperature filtered water and all of yesterday’s starter. Transfer into a bigger jar if necessary, with lid, and do not seal totally. Leave on the bench overnight. Day 3 Mix 50g of whole wheat flour and 50g of room temperature filtered water with 60g of the starter, discard the remaining starter. Mix and keep it in a jar, with lid, and do not seal totally. Leave on the bench. Day 4 Mix another 25g of rye flour and 25g baker’s flour, 50g of water and 60g of starter and discard the remaining starter. Your starter is hopefully alive, but it needs to grow and to have more strength. Feed it twice a day for the next three days following the amounts of day 4. This does seem wasteful but it helps to ensure the success of the starter. Day 8 In the morning, take 60g of your starter, 50g flour and 50g water and keep this to make more bread. The starter will get stronger and stronger with time, making better bread. Now make your levain. Levain is the rising agent for your sourdough bread. Take 60g of your starter, 120g baker’s flour and 120g water, mix together in a jug and cover with plastic wrap. Four to five hours later your levain should be at its peak, and will have nearly double in size: you can now start your sourdough bread. Making the sourdough bread: Step 1 Place the flours and water in a bowl of a large stand mixer and knead with dough hook for 10 minutes. Cover bowl and stand for 1 hour. This is the Autolyse stage - hydration of the flour. Step 2 Make sure your levain is at its peak. Add the salt and all of the levain to the stand mixer and knead for 10 minutes. Cover bowl and stand for 1 hour. Step 3 ‘First Lamination’ Wet bench top with water and with wet hands turn dough onto the bench. Press and gently stretch the dough into a large rectangle. Fold the dough into thirds lengthways and roll each short end of the dough to the centre to form a ball. Transfer the dough into a large square plastic container with a lid. Leave dough to stand for 30 minutes in a warm place. Step 4 ‘Folding’ Lift the dough gently with both hands from the middle, slightly tug the dough towards yourself so it tucks underneath itself. Turn the container 90 degrees and repeat this action three times then cover and return the dough to a warm place for 30 min. This builds the strength of the dough. Repeat the folding step three times, every 30 minutes. Step 5 ‘Second Lamination’ Turn the dough onto a wet bench and divide the dough into two equal parts using a dough scraper, repeat ‘lamination’ step with wet hands, see step 3. Place shaped dough on a lightly floured bench and dust top with flour. Cover with a tea towel and rest for 30 minutes. Step 6 ‘Shaping’ Flip the dough upside down and grab the outer edges and stretch it back into the centre. Place it in the breadbasket, seam side up (banneton basket) which has been dusted with flour and sprinkled with seeds if desired. Dust the top of dough with extra flour. Cover the loaves with a tea towel and then place in the refrigerator overnight Step 7 ‘Cooking’ Take the loaves out of the refrigerator and stand on bench while preheating the oven. Preheat oven on Bread baking 240°C and place universal tray in oven on shelf level 2. Cut two pieces of baking paper which are a bit bigger the loaf size. Turn each basket on to the prepared paper. Score the tops of the dough with a sharp knife. Place in oven and add VarioSteam medium, cook for 15 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 220°C with VarioSteam medium and cook for a further 15 minutes. Turn off VarioSteam and vent oven by opening oven door and cook for a further 5 minutes or desired colour. Allow to cool before slicing.