Search Results for 'Steam'

Meatloaf with BBQ Sauce

For the BBQ sauce, place all ingredients into a small saucepan, bring to a boil then reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Set aside to add to the meatloaf mix and for serving with the finished dish. Combine the breadcrumbs with the milk in a small jug and leave to soften while combining the remaining ingredients. In a large mixing bowl combine the ¼ cup BBQ sauce, egg, onion and salt & pepper and whisk together. Add the mince and breadcrumb mixture to the bowl.  Using clean hands, gently combine all the ingredients together until evenly mixed.  Don’t over mix as this could result in a tough meatloaf. Heat your oven to CircoTherm at 160° Take a piece of foil the size of your universal tray.  Cover this with a piece of baking paper.  Take your meatloaf mixture and form to the approximate size and shape of a loaf of bread on the baking paper.  Make the loaf a little narrower than you would like the finished dish as the meatloaf will expand slightly while cooking. Use 2 tbsp of the reserved BBQ sauce to spread over the meatloaf. Fold the baking paper over the meatloaf, then cover with the foil.  Cook for 30 minutes. Unwrap the meatloaf and carefully tip off or wipe away any excess juices from the tray. Then use another 2 tbsp of BBQ sauce to glaze again.  Change your oven function to CircoRoast at 180°C and return the meatloaf to the oven, leaving it uncovered, for a further 20 minutes.  If using a meat thermometer, cook to 68° Once cooked, remove the meatloaf from the oven, cover with foil and rest for 10 minutes. Slice and serve with the remaining BBQ sauce on the side accompanied by creamy mash potatoes and steamed greens.

Bacon & Egg Risotto

Place the chicken stock into a saucepan and heat gently on Induction/Gas Flame Select on level 5. In a large ovenproof pot, heat the olive oil on Induction/Gas Flame Select level 8. Add the onion and pancetta and fry until the onion has softened and pancetta is golden. Remove 2 tbsp of the onion/pancetta mixture to a small oven proof dish and set aside for garnish later. Reduce the pot heat down to level 5. Add the rice to the onion mixture and stir to coat and begin to toast the rice (around 30 seconds). Add the wine and let it bubble for 30 seconds. Pour the warmed chicken stock over the rice mixture and stir to combine. Set your oven to Full Steam function at 100°C with a time of 35 minutes. Place the pot containing the rice into the steam oven. While the risotto is cooking, lightly spray four ramekins or saucers with cooking spray (canola works best). Crack an egg into each. Set aside while the risotto finishes cooking. When the cooking timer sounds, remove the risotto and place each egg dish into the steam oven. Also add your reserved onion and pancetta garnish to reheat. Reset the cooking timer for 3 minutes to poach the eggs. While the eggs cook and the garnish heats, finish your risotto by adding the cheeses, parsley, half the chives and salt and pepper to taste. Stir your risotto mixture continuously for around a minute to finish developing the creamy risotto texture. Plate the risotto into four warmed shallow bowls or large plates. Remove the eggs from the steamer and slide an egg on top of each portion of risotto. Top with your onion/pancetta garnish and the reserved chives. Grate a little extra parmesan over the top and serve.

Irish Soda Bread

Place the flour, salt, pepper & bi carb soda in a bowl. Add the cheese & mix well to combine the ingredients. Combine the milk & the yogurt & mix well. Reserve approximately one tablespoon of this mix to glaze the loaf.   Preheat oven Bread Baking to 220°C with a high level of steam (see note if you do not have a steam oven) and line the universal pan with baking paper. Make a well in the centre of the flour mix and add the remaining milk and yogurt mixture. Mix well to just combine and form a soft dough.   Place the dough on a lightly floured surface and knead gently to form a smooth ball. Be careful not to over work the dough. Place the dough onto the prepared tray and cut a cross into the top of the dough, cutting approximately two thirds of the way down into the loaf. Glaze with the reserved milk and yogurt mix. Combine the seeds and sprinkle over the loaf.  Insert the temperature probe horizontally through the loaf (see note). Cook on shelf position 3 and set the core temperature to 94°C. Set the oven timer for 10 minutes then reduce the oven temperature to 190°C and reduce the steam to a medium level. Continue cooking until the probe registers the set temperature. 

Special Fried Rice

Combine the rice and water in the small solid steamer tray. Steam on 100°C for 16 minutes. Spread the rice onto a tray to cool.     Heat a little of the oil in a flat based wok or skillet. Whisk the eggs then pour into the pan, cook over induction setting 7 until the egg is cooked through, remove from the wok, roll up then cut into 1cm slices. Set aside.    Heat the remaining oil and stir fry the onion, carrot, capsicum and bacon for 5-6 minutes. Add the ginger, garlic and peas and cook a further 2 minutes. Toss through the cooled rice and egg with the light soy and sesame oil and continue cooking for another 3-5 minutes or until the rice is well heated through. Toss through the spring onion and bean sprouts, season to taste and serve immediately.  

Cinnamon Scrolls with Cream Cheese Frosting

Warm the milk to lukewarm then add the yeast and stir. Allow to stand for 5 minutes for the yeast to develop. Place the flour, sugar and salt into the bowl of an electric mixer. Add the eggs and the yeast mixture and using the dough hook, knead for 3 to 4 minutes or until the dough comes together. Add the softened butter and continue to knead until the dough is glossy and elastic. The dough should spring back when gently pressed with your finger. Shape the dough into a ball and place into a lightly greased bowl. Select Dough Prove 1 and allow the dough to prove for 45 to 50 minutes or until doubled in bulk. While the dough is proving, prepare the filling by combining the ingredients in a medium size bowl. Using electric beaters cream the mixture until well combined. Line the universal tray with baking paper. Remove the dough and place on a lightly floured surface. Knock the air out of the dough and knead lightly. Using a rolling pin, roll the dough out to a rectangular shape approximately 45cm by 28cm.  Spread the filling mixture over the dough leaving a 1cm border on both long sides. Carefully roll the lengthwise, then using a sharp knife, cut the roll into 15 even pieces. Arrange on the prepared tray allowing some room for spreading. Place the scrolls back into the oven on the Dough Prove 1 function and prove for 20 minutes. Wipe any excess water from the base of the oven & preheat on CircoTherm® at 180°C. Cook for 18 to 20 minutes (see note if you have an oven with VarioSteam). While the scrolls are cooking, make the frosting by placing the cream cheese, butter & vanilla into a mixing bowl and mix with electric beaters until light and creamy. Gradually beat in the icing sugar and mix well. Spread the frosting over the scrolls while they are still warm & serve. Note A low level of VarioSteam (added steam) can be added when baking.

Chicken, Pea and Ham Risotto

In a medium steam dish place your rice, dice the chicken breast into 2 cm cubes and add to the rice, fine dice your onion, crush your garlic, cut the chilli, zest your lemon and roughly chop your ham and add to the container, finally add your oil and water and place in your steam function on 100 degrees for 20 minutes. When timer goes off add the peas and cook for a further 5 minutes, when completed remove from the oven then add your butter and parmesan. Stir until everything is combined then serve.

Roast Venison with Sweet Potato Mash

Preheat oven to 200° C CircoTherm®. Remove the skin from the saddle of venison then carefully remove the strands of meat to the right and left of the spine as well as the fillets. Put the meat to one side. Coarsely chop the bones using a sharp knife or cleaver and place on a baking sheet together with the skin. Mix with one tablespoon of oil. Grill the bones for 25 min at 200°C using the CircoTherm® Hot Air grill function. Wash the soup vegetables, chop coarsely, then quarter the tomatoes. Add the vegetables, water, red wine, spruce needles and pepper to the roasted bones on the baking sheet. Season everything and steam in the oven at approx. 95° C using the Steam function. Pass the sauce stock through a sieve, then pour into a pan without lid and leave to reduce for about 30 minutes. To make the herb crust, mix the butter, pepper, garlic, herbs, spruce needles, lime zest and nuts. Add the panko breadcrumbs and knead until you have a crumbly dough. Place in the refrigerator. Peel the sweet potatoes and potatoes and boil in a little salted water for 20 minutes. Drain the water, allow the steam to evaporate and mix with butter, milk, nutmeg and salt to form a creamy mash. Keep warm. Brush the meat with oil, season with salt and pepper and sear on the griddle or in a pan for about 3 minutes per side. Place on a grill rack and sprinkle the herby nut crust mix on top. Cook for about 15 minutes at 80°C CircoTherm® until the meat reaches a core temperature of 60°C. Then crisp up the crust by grilling for 2 minutes at 200° C. Note: ensure that the crust does not become too dark. Remove the meat from the oven and leave to rest for a few minutes. Season the sauce with rosehip purée, pepper and salt, remove from the heat and thicken if required using 1-2 teaspoons of cold butter. Cut the meat into slices and serve with the sauce and sweet potato mash.

Filo Custard Dessert with Summer Fruit

Preheat oven on CircoTherm® to 190°C. Spray a sheet of filo with the olive oil spray then very lightly scrunch and place into the base of a greased 24cm deep ceramic pie dish, repeat with another 7 pastry bundles to make the base layer. Arrange half the fruit over the pastry then repeat with the remaining 8 sheets of pastry to make a layer over the top.  Be careful not to squash down the pastry. Top with the remaining fruit. Bake for 20-25 minutes until lightly golden. Cool slightly. Reduce the oven temperature to 160°C. Whisk together the sour cream, milk, sugar, eggs and lemon rind.  Pour the custard gently over the pastry and scatter over the flaked almonds. Bake adding a low level of steam for a further 20-25 minutes until golden and custard is set. Brush gently with the warm marmalade and serve warm or cold with a drizzle of cream.

Pearl Couscous Salad with Orange, Asparagus & Peas

Set your oven to FullSteam at 100°C and set the timer for 30 minutes. Place the couscous and orange juice into an oven proof dish large enough to hold everything comfortably then put into the oven. Place the asparagus and peas into a perforated steam dish and cook in the steam oven for 5 minutes.  Remove and set aside to cool while the couscous finishes cooking. Take half the parsley and half the mint and blitz in a food processor or mortar and pestle with the 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil until you have a paste.  Chop the remaining parsley and mint roughly.   Add the paste and the chopped herbs to a large mixing bowl.  Add the orange segments, spring onions, pine nuts and the cooled asparagus and peas to the bowl.  Set aside. In a screw top jar, add the 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil, red wine vinegar and mustard and shake to combine well.  Season with salt and pepper.  Add this to the mixing bowl. Remove the couscous at the end of the cooking time.  All the orange juice should have absorbed, but if you have a little bit left, drain this from the couscous. Cool the couscous then add to the mixing bowl with all the other ingredients. Mix all the ingredients with a fork to prevent the couscous clumping together, then add the rocket and gently mix this through.  Season with salt and pepper then pile onto a serving platter.  Garnish with a few herb sprigs on top.