Search Results for 'Steam'

Dinner Rolls

To make your dinner rolls, combine the milk, water, butter, yeast and sugar in a bowl and allow to stand for 5 minutes. The mixture will begin to foam. Sift the flour & salt into a large bowl. Make a well in the centre and add the milk mixture and the egg and mix well to combine and form a dough. Turn onto a lightly floured surface and knead the dough for 8 to 10 minutes or until smooth and elastic. Shape the dough for the dinner rolls into a ball and place into a lightly greased bowl. Select Dough Prove 1 and allow the dough to prove for 35 to 40 minutes or until doubled in size. After proving, knock the air out of the dough and knead on a lightly floured surface. Divide the dough into 18 even size pieces. Knead each piece and form into a round shape then place onto the universal tray that has been lined with baking paper. Allow room for rolls to spread. Place the tray into the oven and prove again for 20 to 25 minutes or until doubled in size. Remove the tray from the oven and preheat oven on Bread Baking to 200˚C. Bake the rolls on shelf level 3 for 15 to 18 minutes or until golden and cooked (see note if you have an oven with VarioSteam).

Christmas Roast Turkey Breast with Roasted Grapes

Preheat oven on CircoTherm® to 160˚C and place the wire rack on shelf 2 (see note if you have an oven with VarioSteam or a Multipoint Meatprobe). Combine the cream cheese, butter, Parmesan and tarragon in a small bowl and mix well to combine. Season with pepper. Carefully lift the skin from the turkey breast with your fingers to separate it from the flesh then place the cheese mixture between the flesh and the skin. Brush the olive oil over the turkey and season with salt and pepper. Combine the celery, onion & garlic in a bowl with the olive oil and toss to combine. Place into an ovenproof dish and pour the stock over the vegetables. Place the prepared turkey breast on top then cover the dish with foil. Cook for 45 minutes then remove the foil and baste the turkey with the pan juices. Continue to cook, uncovered, basting occasionally for a further 50 to 60 minutes or until juices run clear when the turkey is tested with a skewer. While the turkey is resting increase the oven temperature to 200˚C and line the universal tray with baking paper. Leaving the grapes on the stem lay them onto the tray and brush or spray with olive oil to coat. Season with salt and pepper. Cook on shelf position 3 for 8 to 10 minutes or until the grapes begin to blister. Serve with the turkey.

Nasi Goreng

Place the rice into a strainer and rinse well under cold running water. Allow to drain, then transfer the rice to the solid stainless steel tray and add the water. Put the tray into the oven and select FullSteam 100˚c and steam for 20 minutes.  Spoon the rice onto a tray and use a fork to separate the grains. Allow to cool completely  Heat a large pan or wok over a high heat, Induction level 8. Add half the oil and fry the meat until seared and just cooked. Remove from the pan and keep warm.  Heat remaining oil and add onion, garlic, chilli and fry for 2 to 3 minutes.  Add the rice and continue cooking, stirring constantly until rice is beginning to heat through. Combine the kepap manis, soy sauce, sambal oelek and tamarind paste and stir into the rice, mix well and reduce heat to low, Induction level 3. Stir in shallots, beansprouts and cooked meat and keep warm.    Heat a frying pan over a medium high heat, Induction level 7. Add the extra peanut oil and then fry the eggs until the whites are just set and the yolks are runny.  Spoon the rice into serving bowls and place a fried egg on each serving. Garnish with cucumber slices & tomato wedges.   

Caramel Ice Cream Sandwiches with Peanut Popcorn Biscuits

Peanut Popcorn Biscuits Preheat oven on CircoTherm to 160˚c. Line 3 trays with baking paper. Cream the butter, peanut butter and sugars with an electric mixer until pale and creamy. Add the egg and beat well. Sift the flour and bicarb soda and fold into the creamed mixture with the popcorn. Roll the mixture into balls approximately 4cm in diameter and place onto trays. Cook on shelf positions 1, 3 and 4 for 13 to 15 minutes or until golden. Caramel Filling To make the caramel for the ice cream, pour the condensed milk into a preserving jar. Cover with lid but do not seal. Place the jar onto wire rack and cook on FullSteam 100˚c for 2 hours, making sure to refill the water reservoir after 1 hour. Take the caramel from the oven & remove the lid until cool. Caramel Ice Cream When the caramel has cooled completely, whip the cream and vanilla until soft peaks form. Gently beat in the caramel until the mix is well combined and whipped. Pour the ice cream mix into a 28cm x 18cm tray that has been lined with plastic wrap. Gently place more plastic wrap on the surface of the ice cream Freeze the ice cream until firm. Remove from tray and cut into discs with an 8cm cutter. Sandwich each ice cream disc between two biscuits then roll the ice cream edge in the extra popcorn. Serve immediately.

Cheesy Vegetarian Pasties

For the pastry: Sift the flour into a bowl. Place the butter and water in a large saucepan over a medium heat, Induction level 6. Bring to the boil then add to the flour and mix quickly to form a soft dough. Knead on a lightly floured surface then cover and allow the dough to rest while you make the filling.  For the filling: Dice the potato, carrot and swede into 8mm pieces. Place into a bowl and combine with the onion, cheese, mustard, parsley salt and season well with pepper. Mix well to combine. Preheat oven on CircoTherm to 200˚c. Line two trays with baking paper. Divide pastry into 12 even pieces and roll each piece into a 15cm disc. Firmly pack the filling along the centre of each round, leaving approximately 1cm at each end. Brush the edges of the pastry all the way around with the egg. Carefully draw up the pastry edges to meet at the top, then pinch the pastry together to seal. Place the pasties onto the prepared trays, brush with remaining egg then cut a few vents in each pastie to allow steam to escape. Bake on shelf positions 1 and 3 for 25 to 30 minutes or until golden and cooked.  Serve with tomato relish. 

Brioche Bread

In a small saucepan, heat the milk until lukewarm (no higher than 35°C). Crumble the fresh yeast into the milk. Dissolve 1 tablespoon sugar in the milk and let stand for about 10 minutes. In a mixing bowl, combine flour and the remaining sugar. Add the eggs, egg yolks and yeast-milk mixture and knead thoroughly using a mixer with a dough hook. After about 5 minutes, add salt. Gradually work the butter bits into the dough. Knead the dough until it has a soft, elastic texture and is silky and smooth to the touch (10 to 15 minutes). Place the dough in a bowl and let rise for 30 minutes using dough proving stage 1 until it has doubled in volume. Then knead briefly, return it to the bowl, cover with Clingfilm, and let rise in the fridge overnight. On the following day, remove the dough from the fridge, knead briefly and divide into 5 equal-sized pieces. Briefly knead each piece once more and shape into a ball. Place the balls side by side in a buttered bread tin sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Cover and let rise for about 1 hour at room temperature. Preheat the oven to 175°C on CircoTherm®. Brush whipped egg onto the brioche and bake for 10 minutes with a low level of steam. Then bake for about 30 more minutes without added steam until golden.

Portuguese Custard Tarts

Place the egg yolks, egg, sugar and cornflour into a medium bowl. Using a balloon whisk, mix until smooth. Gradually whisk in the milk and cream. Transfer the mixture to a medium saucepan and place over a medium heat, Induction level 6. Continue to whisk the custard constantly until the mixture thickens and comes to a gentle boil. Remove from the heat and mix in the vanilla. Transfer to a heatproof bowl and cover the surface of the custard with plastic wrap to prevent a skin from forming. Refrigerate until cooled to room temperature. Preheat oven on Bread Baking to 220˚C with high level of steam (if available). Grease 12 standard muffin pans. Place one sheet of pastry onto a lightly floured surface. Sprinkle with the sugar then top with the second piece of pastry. Using a rolling pin, gently roll the pastry to press the sheets together. Roll up the pastry tightly to form a log then slice into 12 even pieces. Roll each piece into a 10cm circle and press gently to line the muffin pans. Spoon the cooled custard evenly into the pastry cases. Bake for 18 to 20 minutes or until golden and cooked. Allow to cool for 3 to 5 minutes in the pan before removing.

Chicken Parmigiana Bake

Preheat the oven on CircoTherm® to 160°C. Use a sharp knife to butterfly out each chicken fillet to an even thickness. Heat half the oil in a non-stick frypan on induction setting 8, add the chicken to the hot pan and cook 2-3 minutes on each side until lightly browned. Remove from the pan, keep warm. Heat the remaining oil in the pan on setting 6 and sauté the onion for 3-4 minutes, add the garlic and capsicum and cook a further 2 minutes. Add the passata, stock, tomato paste and herbs to the pan, reduce to setting 3 or 4 and simmer gently, covered for another 8-10 minutes. Season with salt, pepper and sugar. Pour the sauce into a 37 x 32cm rectangular Le Creuset baking dish. Place the chicken into the sauce and top each with 2 slices of pancetta. Combine the cheeses and sprinkle over the chicken, then place a basil leaf on each. Bake for 25-30 minutes until chicken is cooked and golden. Serve with steamed greens or green salad.

Spicy Harissa Chicken with Pearl Couscous

Rub the chicken breast fillets with the harissa paste and place into the solid stainless steel steamer tray. Insert the MultiPoint MeatProbe horizontally into the thickest part of the largest chicken breast (see note if you do not have a MeatProbe). Place the chicken into the oven and set the oven to Full Steam 100˚C. Set the probe to 71˚C and press start. Place the onion, garlic, ginger, turmeric, coriander, cumin and butter into a 2 litre oven proof dish. When oven has reached temperature, place the onion mix into the oven with the chicken and continue to cook on FullSteam 100˚C for 4 minutes. Remove the onion mix from the oven then stir in the couscous and stock. Return to the oven and cook for 10 minutes. Add the beans to the couscous and continue cooking for a further 6 to 8 minutes or until couscous is cooked. Stir in the chopped herbs and season with salt and pepper. When the chicken is cooked, allow to rest for a few minutes before slicing. Serve with the couscous and sprinkle with the almonds and pomegranate seeds. Note: If you don’t have a MeatProbe you can absolutely still make this recipe! Just ensure the chicken is cooked. This will likely take around 25 minutes.