You spend a big part of your day cooking, so why not get the kids involved, and make some life-long memories at the same time?
With the school holidays upon us, the kitchen is in overdrive. There are hungry mouths to feed and no school classes to keep them occupied, which means an endless amount of cooking (and mess). So why not get the kids to help out in the kitchen and learn a few new things along the way?
Here are some fun ways to get the kids excited about cooking during the school holidays:
Parents often complain that their kids are picky and refuse to try new food. Ever tried to feed a 5-year-old an olive? But one of the advantages of cooking at home with your kids is making food they actually want to eat, so let them choose the dish they prepare. It’s a great way to dust off the old cookbooks sitting on the shelf while engaging little ones in the cooking process right from the start. If there are a few recipes they like, you can purchase a display folder or scrap book and encourage them to start creating their own cookbook, ready for next time they feel inspired to pick up a spatula!
Try our chocolate chip biscuits, macaroni cheese, gingerbread, banana bread or even our delicious slice recipes.
While grocery shopping often feels like a chore for adults, kids love it. So, once they’ve chosen the recipe they want to prepare, create a shopping list and take them on a trip to your local supermarket, letting them tick items off as they enter the trolley. While you’re there, you could even pick up some mini utensils for them to use, including a new spatula, whisk and bowl. They’ll be so excited to use their shiny new toys that you won’t be able to get them out of the kitchen.
Instead of fretting about the mess, embrace the chaos of cooking and let the kids run free (you can clean it up later). Being a neat freak will ruin the fun, and make the kids scared to pick up their utensils next time. You can even get the video camera out and encourage the kids to host their own cooking show (which will provide great content for their 21st birthday show reel).
Make the kids feel good about their first cooking experience by celebrating their creations and recognising their new skills. You can even encourage them to make extras for family members or friends to show them the joy of sharing homemade food with others.
Remember, you don’t have to travel far or spend a heap of money to make the most of the holidays. In fact, there are plenty of ways to keep the kids entertained without leaving the house at all!
Ready to get cooking? Get some recipe inspiration with our list of easy bakes for kids.