Search Results for 'Steam'

English Muffins

In a medium bowl, add the dry ingredients. Place the wet ingredients with the butter into a medium size saucepan and heat on level 5 of an induction or FlameSelect gas cooktop, until the butter has just melted. Add to the bowl with the dry ingredients and mix until everything has combined. Cover the bowl with cling film and place in the oven on dough prove for 3 hours. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and roll until it is around 2 cm thick. Use an 8cm cookie cutter to cut out the muffins (with left over dough you can re roll it and cut more) spread them out evenly over a universal tray lined with baking paper, prove in the oven for a further 20 minutes. If you have a FullSteam oven: Select FullSteam at 100°C and steam for 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool. Dry the oven compartment out. Set the oven to 240°C on CircoTherm® intensive, place a universal tray on level 1 and cook the muffins for 4 minutes on one side then cooking for a further 2 minutes on the other. Remove and let your english muffins cool. Place in an airtight container. If you have a VarioSteam oven: select CircoTherm at 200°C with a high level of steam and cook for 10 minutes then turn the muffins over and cook for a further 5 minutes. Remove from the oven and let your english muffins cool. Store in an airtight container. If you have an oven without steam functionality: Place an ovenproof bowl with water in the oven to help create steam. Select CircoTherm at 200°C, cook for 10 minutes then turn the muffins over and cook for a further 5 minutes. Remove from the oven and let your english muffins cool. Store in an airtight container.

Apple and Salted Caramel Layer Cake

Cake Set the oven to 160°C on CircoTherm®. Place 2/3 of the diced apples into a mixing bowl with the melted butter and coat. Pour the apple mix onto a universal tray lined with baking paper. Place in the oven and cook for 30 minutes. Remove and use a stick blender or food processor to puree. Spray and line three 20cm cake tins. Sieve the flour, spices and bi carb soda into a medium bowl. Place the sugar, eggs, apple puree, oil and vanilla into a mixing bowl and whisk on medium speed until everything is combined. Add the flour spice mix slowly until combined. Add in the remaining diced apple then spread the batter evenly among the tins. Set the oven to CircoTherm® at 160°C and bake on level 1 and 3 for 25 minutes (If you have steam add a low level). Remove from the oven and invert cakes onto a cooling rack, leave the baking paper on the base and place the universal tray on top of the cakes with 4 cups of water in each corner to compress the cakes, then leave to cool. Icing Place the sugar and water in a clean small saucepan and set to level 7 on an induction or FlameSelect gas cooktop. Bring to the boil and wait until the sugar turns amber in colour (if the outside turns dark faster than the inside move the pot in circles to blend in. DO NOT use a spatula or wooden spoon to stir), then add the cream and vanilla, once combined place in a small bowl and set in the fridge to chill. Place the butter into a mixing bowl and cream until light and fluffy then add the icing sugar, once combined, slowly add the caramel until everything is blended together and place into a large piping bag. Add a thin layer of icing onto each cake and stack on top of each other, place onto a serving tray and spread the rest of the mix until the whole cake is covered in icing. You can serve the cake as is or top with the below almond toffee. Almond toffee garnish Place the sugar and water in a clean small saucepan and set to level 7 on an induction or FlameSelect gas cooktop. Bring to the boil and wait until the sugar turns amber in colour (if the outside turns dark faster than the inside move the pot in circles to blend in. DO NOT use a spatula or wooden spoon to stir). Pour the hot toffee onto baking paper and sprinkle with the flaked almonds. (Make sure the baking paper is sitting on something heat resistant so you do not damage your benchtop). Once cool, break into shards.

Moroccan Freekeh and Nut Salad

To start your Moroccan freekeh and nut salad, place the almonds, pistachio and macadamia into the universal tray and cook for 10 minutes from a cold oven, on top and bottom heat, 170°C. Set the oven to FullSteam at 100°C. Rinse the freekeh under cold running water for 30 seconds then place in an unperforated steamer tray with 500 ml of boiling water and a teaspoon of salt. Steam for 30 minutes then remove from the oven and spread over a medium tray, place in the fridge to cool. In a small mixing bowl add the yoghurt, sumac, cumin, salt and cracked black pepper. Mix together and place in the fridge. When the freekeh is cool add to a medium mixing bowl along with the lemon juice and zest, nuts mint, parsley, figs, apricots, tomatoes and olive oil. Mix together and season if necessary. Place your Moroccan freekeh and nut salad in a serving dish, drizzle with the yoghurt, sprinkle sumac over the top and serve.

Lemon Butter Coconut Cupcakes

Lemon Butter To begin your lemon butter coconut cupcakes, place the eggs & egg yolks into a medium glass heatproof bowl. Whisk lightly then add the remaining ingredients and mix well to combine. Place the bowl onto the wire rack on shelf 1, select FullSteam 80˚c and set the cook time to 20 minutes and press start. Remove from the oven and whisk until smooth. Alternatively, place the bowl over a saucepan of water, making sure the water is not touching the base of the bowl. Cook over a medium heat, Induction level 5, stirring regularly until the mixture thickly coats the back of a spoon. Remove from heat & continue to whisk for a further minute. Cover the lemon butter directly with plastic wrap & allow to cool completely. Refrigerate until ready to use. Cupcakes Preheat oven on CircoTherm® 170˚C with a low level of steam if available on your oven. Line 2 x 12 cup standard muffin pans with liners. Place a wire rack on shelf positions 1 and 3. Cream the butter & the sugar with an electric mixer until pale and creamy. Add the eggs & beat well. Add half the flour then mix on a low speed until just combined. Add the milk, mix again, then add the remaining flour and mix to form a smooth batter. Spoon the mixture into the prepared pans. Using the back of a spoon, slightly spread the mixture leaving a dip in the centre. Spoon the lemon butter over the cake batter and use a skewer to lightly swirl the mixes together. Combine the extra eggs and sugar in a medium bowl with the coconut and mix well. Sprinkle the coconut mix on top of the lemon butter. Use the back of a spoon to gently press and smooth the surface. Bake for 22 to 24 minutes or until golden & cooked. Wait to cool and enjoy your lemon butter coconut cupcakes.

Pear and Ginger Tarte Tatin

To begin your Pear and Ginger Tarte Tatin, sift the flour for the pastry into a bowl. Rub the butter into the flour until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add the egg yolk & mix to bring the ingredients together to form a dough. Knead lightly until smooth then wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to use. Place the butter for the pears into a large frying pan over a low heat Induction level 3 & allow to melt. Tilt the pan to distribute the butter evenly over the base then sprinkle the sugar over the butter. Arrange the pears close together in the pan. Increase the temp to medium high, Induction level 6. Cook for 10 to 12 minutes then turn the pears over, making sure they are coated with syrup. Continue to cook for a further 8 to 10 minutes or until the pears are just tender. Remove the pears and allow to cool. Add the ginger to the syrup & continue to cook for a further 2 to 3 minutes or until the ginger has softened & the syrup has reduced slightly and is golden. Pour the syrup into a greased and base lined 22cm pie dish. Arrange the pears close together over the syrup leaving some room around the outer edge to tuck the pastry in. Allow to cool. Preheat oven on CircoTherm® to 200°C and place the wire rack on shelf position 3. Roll the pastry between two sheets baking paper to a 24cm circle. Place the pastry over the cooled pears, tucking down the sides to completely cover the pears. Make 4 small slits in the pastry using a sharp knife to allow some steam to escape during baking. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until pastry is golden. Allow to cool in the pan for a few minutes before turning out onto a plate. Sprinkle with cinnamon if desired. Serve your Pear and Ginger Tarte Tatin with cream or ice cream

Easter Egg Mille Feuille

To make your Mille Feuille, preheat oven on Bread Baking to 210°C with medium steam and line two trays with baking paper. You can choose to cut the pastry by hand or using an egg shaped cutter. By hand: Cut each pastry sheet to make 18 oval “egg” shapes approximately 6cm by 4cm, see example shape below. Using a cutter: Alternatively, you can use an egg shaped cutter which will be quicker than cutting the shapes by hand. A 7cm by 5cm wide cutter was used to create the mille feuille images in on this page. Approximately 15 were cut from each sheet of pastry using the cutter. Pierce the pastries well with a fork. Cook on shelf positions 1 and 3 for 10 to 11 minutes or until pastry is golden and crispy. Allow to cool, then using a sharp knife, carefully cut each pastry so as to split it in half to form two thin egg shapes. Reserve 18 of the flat bases of the pastry to ice for the top layer of the mille feuille. Melt the dark and the white chocolate in two separate small saucepans on Induction level 1. Spread the dark chocolate evenly over the flat base side of the 18 reserved pastries. Place the white chocolate in a piping bag and pipe 4 thin lines horizontally over the dark chocolate. Use a skewer to drag vertical lines through the chocolate to create a feathered effect. Allow the chocolate to set. To assemble the pastries place one egg shape onto a tray and spread with some cream. Top with a slice of strawberry and another pastry shape. Repeat until you have three layers then top with the iced pastry shape to form the last layer. Continue to make 18 mille feuille.

Passionfruit Puddings with White Chocolate & Passionfruit Cream

To begin your passionfruit puddings, place the cream and the chocolate for the white chocolate and passionfruit cream in a small saucepan and cook over a very low heat, Induction level 1, until chocolate has melted. Alternatively place the chocolate and the cream in a heat proof bowl and heat in the microwave oven until the chocolate has melted. Stir until smooth then add the strained passionfruit juice and mix well. Refrigerate until ready to use. Line a baking tray with baking paper for the Toffee Chards then place the sugar and the water in a small saucepan and stir over low heat, Induction level 4 until the sugar has dissolved. Increase the heat to Induction level 7 and simmer until the toffee is deep golden in colour. Remove from the heat then carefully add the passionfruit seeds – the mixture will bubble. Swirl the mix to combine then pour to make a thin layer onto the lined tray. Leave the toffee to cool and set before breaking into shards. Preheat oven to 160°C on CircoTherm® with medium steam. Grease 8 x 200ml ovenproof ramekins. Combine the butter, sugar and egg yolks for the Puddings in a large mixing bowl. Beat with an electric mixer until light and creamy. Add the milk to the mixture then beat on a low speed until combined. Sift the flour over the mixture then, using a spatular carefully fold it in until combined. Fold in the lemon juice and passionfruit pulp. The mixture will look separated at this stage. In a separate bowl beat the egg whites until soft peaks form. Carefully fold some of the egg yolk mix into the egg whites using a spatula, then fold the egg white mix into the remainder of the egg yolk mix. Use a ladle to spoon the mixture evenly into the prepared ramekins. Place the ramekins onto the universal tray and cook on shelf position 3 for 18 to 20 minutes or until golden and cooked. Serve with White Chocolate Passionfruit Cream and Toffee Chards. There you have it! Enjoy these delicious passionfruit puddings.

Porridge with Fresh Berries

Combine the oats and the water in a serving size bowl. Place the bowl into the large perforated tray and place into the oven on shelf position 2 or 3. Select FullSteam 100˚c and set the cook time to 8 minutes and press start. Serve with selected toppings.

Warm Chicken & Brown Rice Salad

Rinse the rice well under cold running water. Drain and place into the non-perforated steamer tray. Place the tray of rice into the full-sized perforated steam tray and place on shelf position 3. Set oven to FullSteam and cook for 45 minutes. While the rice is cooking, lay 3 of the prosciutto slices onto a clean board. Place one chicken fillet on top then spread half the pesto dip over the chicken breast. Wrap the prosciutto around the chicken breast. Repeat with remaining chicken breast. Combine the olive oil, balsamic vinegar and brown sugar in a small bowl. Season with salt and pepper then whisk well to combine. Place the asparagus into the small perforated tray and steam next to the rice for the last 2 to 3 minutes of the cooking time. When rice & asparagus are cooked, wipe out the oven to remove any residual water. Place the rice into a large bowl, toss with the oil and vinegar mix and allow to cool slightly while the chicken is cooking. Preheat the oven on CircoRoast to 190˚C with a high level of added steam. Line the universal pan with baking paper and place a rack on top. Place the chicken onto the rack and insert the MultiPoint MeatProbe horizontally into one of the pieces of chicken. Place the tray on shelf position 3 and set the core temperature to 72˚c. Alternatively, if you do not have the probe cook for 22 to 25 minutes or until the chicken is cooked. When tested with a skewer, the juices should run clear. Stir the remaining ingredients into the rice with the asparagus and place into a large serving bowl. Slice the chicken and serve with the rice salad.